A rapist who was convicted of abducting and repeatedly sexually assaulting a 13 year old girl in 1997 is insisting that the state of Oklahoma's Department of Corrections pay for some costs relating to gender reassignment. Phoebe Halliwell, who until recently went by the name of Ronny Edward Darnell, has filed a suit in federal ...
On November 26, 2012, the Pinal County Communication Director, Heather Murphy, announced that at least seven inmates from the Special Management Unit 1 of the Arizona State Prison Complex Eyman in Florence, Arizona show signs of botulism poisoning.
Last Saturday, four inmates became extremely ill and underwent treatment at a hospital ...
Last Monday, the Department of Education announced new grants worth $1 million called, “Promoting Reentry Success through Continuity of Educational Opportunities” (PRSCEO). The grants will be awarded to the best support partnerships that help incarcerated individuals find education and workforce training after reentering ...
The Department of Justice announced that Sylvester Bruce was sentenced on October 22, 2012 for sexual abuse of an inmate during 2010. Bruce was a former corrections officer at the Navajo Nation’s Shiprock Detention Center (SDC).
Bruce pleaded guilty in July. He admitted that he touched the victim’s ...
On October 16, 2012, the US Attorney’s Office for the District of Colorado announced that Antoine Wallace received another 720 months in federal prison for assaulting and injuring federal officers at the United States Penitentiary in Florence, Colorado. He was currently serving a sentence of 218 months for robbing a bank ...